Paper | Title | Page |
Beam Dynamics Simulations and Challenges for the FAIR SIS100 Synchrotron | |
The SIS100 synchrotron is the central accelerator of the upcoming FAIR project at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. The major challenges for the design studies and the later operation are related to high-intensity, low beam loss operation for a wide range of ion species and charge states, for different operational cycles and extraction schemes. We focus our simulation studies on the long (up to 1 s) accumulation plateau and on the final bunch compression before extraction. During accumulation emittance growth and beam loss due to transverse space charge in combination with the magnet field errors has to be well controlled. We use different simulation approaches with frozen and self-consistent "symplectic" space charge solvers to identify optimum working point areas, including realistic field error models for the superconducting, superferric SIS100 dipole and quadrupole magnets. | ||
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Slides SAPAG02 [1.887 MB] | |
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MOPLG01 | Challenges in Simulating Beam Dynamics of Dielectric Laser Acceleration | 120 |
Funding: ACHIP is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant No. GBMF4744). U.N. acknowledges German BMBF Grant No. FKZ:05K16RDB. B.C. acknowledges NERSC, Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Dielectric Laser Acceleration (DLA) achieves the high- est gradients among structure-based electron accelerators. The use of dielectrics increases the breakdown field limit, and thus the achievable gradient, by a factor of at least 10 in comparison to metals. Experimental demonstrations of DLA in 2013 led to the Accelerator on a Chip International Program (ACHIP), funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. In ACHIP, our main goal is to build an acceler- ator on a silicon chip, which can accelerate electrons from below 100keV to above 1MeV with a gradient of at least 100MeV/m. For stable acceleration on the chip, magnet- only focusing techniques are insufficient to compensate the strong acceleration defocusing. Thus spatial harmonic and Alternating Phase Focusing (APF) laser-based focusing tech- niques have been developed. We have also developed the simplified symplectic tracking code DLAtrack6D, which makes use of the periodicity and applies only one kick per DLA cell, which is calculated by the Fourier coefficient of the synchronous spatial harmonic. Due to coupling, the Fourier coefficients of neighboring cells are not entirely independent and a field flatness optimization (similarly as in multi-cell cavities) needs to be performed. The simu- lation of the entire accelerator on a chip by a Particle In Cell (PIC) code is possible, but impractical for optimization purposes. Finally, we have also outlined the treatment of wake field effects in attosecond bunches in the grating within DLAtrack6D, where the wake function is computed by an external solver. |
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Slides MOPLG01 [3.947 MB] | |
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About • | paper received ※ 20 October 2018 paper accepted ※ 24 October 2018 issue date ※ 26 January 2019 | |
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