Author: Deng, H.X.
Paper Title Page
Urgent Need of Start-to-End Simulations for Shanghai CW Hard X-Ray FEL Project  
  • B. Liu, S. Chen, H.X. Deng, C. Feng, Q. Gu, D. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, Z.T. Zhao
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Shanghai has started to construct the X-ray FEL facility SHINE (Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility), which is based on a 8 GeV CW-SRF linac and will build three undulator lines in the first stage. Designs of the gun, the injector, the linac, the distribution section and the FEL lines have already been done and will be presented here. Prelimilary study shows that comprehensive study of the beam and FEL properties with start-to-end simulations is really necessary.  
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Bragg Diffraction Modeling Between X-Ray Free-Electron Laser and Crystals  
  • H.X. Deng, N. S. Huang, K. Li
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  In pursuit of fully coherent X-ray free-electron laser (FEL), high reflective Bragg crystals have being and will be used as high selective spectral filter in the hard X-ray self-seeding FELs and X-ray FEL oscillators (XFELO), respectively. However, currently in the self-seeding FEL and XFELO simulations, the three-dimensional effect of Bragg diffraction is not fully considered. In this paper, we derive comprehensive solution for the response function of crystal in Bragg diffraction. And a three-dimensional X-ray crystal Bragg diffraction code named BRIGHT is introduced, which could collaborate closely with other FEL related code, e.g., GENESIS and OPC. The performance and feasibility are evaluated by two numerical examples, i.e., self-seeding experiment for LCLS and XFELO options for Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE). The results indicate BRIGHT provides a new and useful tool for three-dimensional FEL simulation.  
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