Author: Fedurin, M.G.
Paper Title Page
Electron Beam Longitudinal Phase Space Restoration From the Image After Beam Pass Deflector Cavity and Spectrometer Arm  
  • M.G. Fedurin
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Recently commissioned X-band deflector cavity at Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility (BNL ATF) is used for electron bunch longitudinal profile measurements in both - at zero-degree beamline and at spectrometer arm directions to measure the e-beam longitudinal phase space profile. The deflector cavity induces energy distortions on the off-axis particles and corrupt real picture of the beam energy profile at spectrometer screen. A special computational phase space restoration technique which is under development at BNL ATF to reveal undistorted e-beam parameters will be discussed.  
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