Author: Snuverink, J.
Paper Title Page
Trimcoil Optimisation Using Multi-Objective Optimisation Techniques and HPC  
  • M. Frey, A. Adelmann, J. Snuverink
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  Funding: SNSF project 200021159936
Uncertainties in the bunch injection (i.e. energy, radius, radial momentum and angle) as well as magnet inaccuracies harm the isochronicity of the PSI 590 MeV Ring Cyclotron. An additional magnetic field provided by trim coils is an effective solution to restore this condition. Therefore, an accurate description of trim coils is essential to match the turn pattern of the machine in simulations. However, due to the high-dimensional search space consisting of 21 design variables and more than 180 objectives the turns cannot be matched in a straightforward manner and without sufficient HPC resources. In this talk we present a realistic trim coil model for the PSI 590 MeV Ring Cyclotron implemented in OPAL that was used together with its built-in multi-objective optimisation algorithm to find the 4 injection parameters and the magnetic field strengths of 17 trim coils. The optimisations were performed on Piz Daint (currently 3rd fastest supercomputer world-wide) with more than 1000 cores per job.
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