Author: Zhou, K.S.
Paper Title Page
Numerical Simulations for Generating Fully Coherent Soft X-Ray Free Electron Lasers With Ultra-Short Wavelength  
  • K.S. Zhou
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Funding: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
For the fully coherent, ultra-short and high power soft x-rays are becoming key instruments in different research fields, such as biology, chemistry or physics. However it’s not easy to generate this kind of advantaged light source by conventional lasers, especially for the soft x-rays with ultra-short wavelength. The external seeded free electron laser (FEL) is considered as one feasible method. Here, we give an example to generate fully coherent soft x-rays with the wavelength 1nm by the two-stage cascaded FELs. The EEHG scheme is used in the first-stage while the HGHG scheme is used in the second-stage.
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