Author: Charitonidis, N.
Paper Title Page
SUPAG05 Muon Background Studies for Beam Dump Operation of the K12 Beam Line at CERN 93
  • M.S. Rosenthal, D. Banerjee, J. Bernhard, M. Brugger, N. Charitonidis, B. Döbrich, L. Gatignon, A. Gerbershagen, E. Montbarbon, B. Rae, M.W.U. Van Dijk
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • T. Spadaro
    INFN/LNF, Frascati, Italy
  In the scope of the Physics Beyond Colliders study at CERN a future operation of the NA62 experiment in beam dump mode is discussed, enabling the search for dark sector particles, e.g. heavy neutral leptons, dark photons and axions. For this purpose, the 400 GeV/c primary proton beam, extracted from the SPS, will be dumped on a massive dump collimator located in the front end of the K12 beam line. Muons originating from interactions and decays form a potential background for this kind of experiment. To reduce this background, magnetic sweeping within the beam line is employed. In this contribution, the muon production and transport has been investigated with the simulation framework G4beamline. The high computational expense of the muon production has been reduced by implementing sampling methods and parametrizations to estimate the amount of high-energy muons and efficiently study optimizations of the magnetic field configuration. These methods have been benchmarked with measured data, showing a good qualitative agreement. Finally, first studies to reduce the muon background by adapting the magnetic field configuration are presented, promising a potential background reduction by a factor four.  
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About • paper received ※ 19 October 2018       paper accepted ※ 28 January 2019       issue date ※ 26 January 2019  
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