Author: Wang, D.
Paper Title Page
Urgent Need of Start-to-End Simulations for Shanghai CW Hard X-Ray FEL Project  
  • B. Liu, S. Chen, H.X. Deng, C. Feng, Q. Gu, D. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, Z.T. Zhao
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  Shanghai has started to construct the X-ray FEL facility SHINE (Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility), which is based on a 8 GeV CW-SRF linac and will build three undulator lines in the first stage. Designs of the gun, the injector, the linac, the distribution section and the FEL lines have already been done and will be presented here. Prelimilary study shows that comprehensive study of the beam and FEL properties with start-to-end simulations is really necessary.  
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SHINE: Shanghai High Rep-rate XFEL and Extreme Light Facility  
  • D. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  • W. Wan
    ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
  SHINE (Shanghai High Rep-rate XFEL and Extreme Light Facility) is a Free Electron Laser facility providing intense x-ray photons at soft and hard X-ray regimes with high repetition rate up to 1 MHz. This new facility is located at Zhangjiang National Comprehensive Science Center, Shanghai, where also hosts other large facilities on photon science including Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility (SXFEL). With an overall length of about 3.1km the SHINE facility consists a linear accelerator yielding up to 8 GeV electorn beam, 3 long FEL undulator lines producing 0.4-25 keV coherent photons and 10 endstations for user experiments. The ground breaking of project took place in April, 2018. This talk will present the status of SHINE facility with an emphasis on accelerator machine.  
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