Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPAG01 | Computation of Eigenmodes in the BESSY VSR Cavity Chain by Means of Concatenation Strategies | cavity, coupling, impedance, factory | 253 |
Funding: The research leading to these results was supported by the German Bundesministerium für Bildungund Forschung, Land Berlin and grants of Helmholtz Association Invited Talk: The computation of eigenmodes in chains of superconducting cavities with asymmetric couplers is a demanding problem. This problem typically requires the use of high-performance computers in combination with dedicated software packages. Alternatively, the eigenmodes of chains of superconducting cavities can be determined by the so-called State-Space Concatenation (SSC) approach that has been developed at the University of Rostock. SSC is based on the decomposition of the full chain into individual segments. Subsequently, the RF properties of every segment are described by reduced-order models. These reduced-order models are concatenated to a reduced-order model of the entire chain by means of algebraic side constraints arising from continuity conditions of the fields across the decomposition planes. The constructed reduced-order model describes the RF properties of the complete structure so that the field distributions, the coupling impedances and the external quality factors of the eigenmodes of the full cavity chain are available. In contrast to direct methods, SSC allows for the computation of the eigenmodes of cavity chains using desktop computers. The current contribution revises the scheme using the BESSY VSR cavity chain as an example. In addition, a comparison between a direct computation of a specific localized mode is described. |
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Slides TUPAG01 [3.483 MB] | ||
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About • | paper received ※ 21 October 2018 paper accepted ※ 28 January 2019 issue date ※ 26 January 2019 | ||
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TUPAG07 | Efficient Computation of Lossy Higher Order Modes in Complex SRF Cavities Using Reduced Order Models and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Algorithms | cavity, SRF, HOM, impedance | 270 |
Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities meet the demanding performance requirements of modern accelerators and high-brilliance light sources. For the operation and design of such resonators, a very precise knowledge of their electromagnetic resonances is required. The non-trivial cavity shape demands a numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations to compute the resonant eigenfrequencies, eigenmodes, and their losses. For large and complex structures this is hardly possible on conventional hardware due to the high number of degrees of freedom required to obtain an accurate solution. In previous work it has been shown that the considered problems can be solved on workstation computers without extensive simplification of the structure itself by a combination of State-Space Concatenation (SSC) and Newton iteration to solve the arising nonlinear eigenvalue problem (NLEVP). First, SSC is applied to the complex, closed and thus lossless RF structure. SSC employs a combination of model order reduction and domain decomposition, greatly reducing the computational effort by effectively limiting the considered frequency domain. Next, a perturbation approach based on SSC is used to describe the resonances of the same geometry subject to external losses. This results in a NLEVP which can be solved efficiently by Newton’s method. In this paper, we expand the NLEVP solution algorithm by a contour integral technique, which increases the completeness of the solution set. | |||
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About • | paper received ※ 18 October 2018 paper accepted ※ 24 October 2018 issue date ※ 26 January 2019 | ||
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